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this he accomplished in a public ministry that lasted just three and a half
"Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God, Savior of the world, and Messiah, predicted
that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against
it. Centuries after his public unmerciful mocking, his persecution and
martyrdom, billipns claimed membership in his church, making it by far the
largest religion in the world. And when he returned, as he said he would, to
take his faithful to heaven, the disappearance of so many had the most
profound impact on this
globe that man has ever seen.
Page 89
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
"Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem to a virgin, to live a sinless life, to
serve as God's spotless Lamb of sacrifice, to give himself willingly to die on
a cross for the sins of the world, to rise again three days later, and -to sit
at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. Jesus fulfilled these and all
the other 109 prophecies, proving he is the Son of God.
"Tonight, Messiah calls to you from down through the ages. He is the answer to
your condition. He offers forgiveness for your sins. He paid the penalty for
you. As the most prolific writer of
Scripture, a Jew himself, wrote, 'If you confess with your mouth the Lord
Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you
will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with
the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the
Scripture says, "Whoever believes on him will not be put to shame." For there
is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to
all who call upon him. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be
"For years skeptics have made fun of the evangelist's plea, 'Do you want to be
saved tonight?' and yet that is what I ask you right now. Do not expect God to
be fooled. Be not deceived. God will not be mocked. Do not do this to avoid a
confrontation with Antichrist. You need to be saved because you cannot save
"The cost is great but the reward greater. This may cost you your freedom,
your family, your very head. You may not survive the journey to safety. But
you will spend eternity with God, worshiping the Lord Christ, Messiah, Jesus.
"If you choose Christ, pray this prayer with me: Dear God, I am a sinner and
separated from you. I
believe Jesus is the Messiah and that he died on the cross to pay for my sins.
I believe he rose again the third day and that by receiving his gift of love I
will have the power to become a son of God because I believe on his name.
Thank you for hearing me and saving me, and I pledge the rest of my life to
All over the vast historic fortress-where legend said Jewish parents chose to
slay their own children and themselves rather than fall into the hands of the
Romans-men and women prayed that prayer aloud. The mark of the seal of God on
the believer appeared on their foreheads, and thousands and thousands of them
followed Chaim as he strode through the crowd and down the steps to where
hundreds of vehicles and helicopters waited in long lines. Hannah and Leah and
their equipment were among the first to go. Buck saw Mac assign his chopper to
another flyer and help load the medical stuff into an idling truck. He got
behind the wheel as Hannah and Leah herded about a dozen new believers in.
Thousands of others, despair on their faces, ran from the scene and looked for
rides back to
Buck caught up to Chaim and stood next to him, watching as the cars and trucks
and choppers filled and took off. The old man breathed heavily and leaned over
on Buck as if his last ounce of strength had been sapped. "Praise God," he
whispered. "Praise God, praise God, praise God."
Buck looked at his watch. It was minutes before nine, and already the
loudspeakers on GC vehicles began spreading the news that was being broadcast
on television and over the Internet. "The entire state of Israel has been
declared a no-fly zone by the Global Community Security and Intelligence
director. All civilian aircraft, take fair warning: Any non-GC craft
determined to be over Israeli airspace runs the risk of destruction.
"The potentate himself has also decreed martial law and has instituted a
curfew on civilian vehicular traffic in Israel. Violators are subject to
"Due to the severity of the affliction that has befallen GC personnel, these [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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