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 It s a free-association way of finding great answers to problems or questions. It s not word-
association, though it s something like it. It s that first thought or memory which comes up that
SEEMS unrelated so we usually ignore it. Instead of ignoring it, let s notice it instead and see
how it just might answer the question from a deeper level of your mind than you are used to
 Game to try it? (Elicit agreement before proceeding.)
 It ll be actually the first THREE such free-associations which come to mind. While you are
telling me one, another will pop into mind seemingly unrelated to the first thought or to the
original question or problem, and while you re telling me that one, a third will come to mind.
 Success in this experiment rides on whether you can notice and identify these seemingly
unrelated thoughts and memories when they happen, and whether you can relate enough detail
about each of these that we can discover the points which one of these free-associations has in
common with another. So much else about these three free-associated thoughts or memories is
different, but if we can then discover the aspect or aspects which these three seemingly
unrelated free associations have in common, we may find a great answer. Game for this?
 Good  while telling me your until-now unsolved question or problem, please be alert to and
notice that first seemingly unrelated thought or memory when it appears, and develop that
awareness by detailing it to me. Let s start now. Please describe to me what you ve chosen on
this occasion as your question or problem.
Similarly fish for the second and third such  unrelateds, find their elements-in-
common, then how those common elements just MIGHT, in what ways, somehow
relate to or answer the problem or question.
Below is a descriptive article about  Final Exams taken from Winsights Index Part #52 on the
www.winwenger.com website:
Part #52
 Final Exams
A Special Procedure for Teachers and Trainers
(but the rest of you can also sneak a peek!)
by Win Wenger, Ph.D.
Those of you who are well familiar with  brainstorming and  Freenoting know that the best
ideas are generated near the end of the brainstorming session, after the fluff and trite stuff has
been gotten out of the way.
Those of you who have read Betty Edwards famous book Drawing on the Right Side of Your
Brain, and tried her famous exercise of drawing a picture upside down, know that our
perceptions and responses are far more accurate once we ve gotten out of our way the fluff, the
trite and stock responses we have for nearly everything, our short-cuts in perception and
thinking. Once we ve gotten past these, we can become remarkably perceptive, effective and
In addition to these, the  Final Exams procedure below makes a truly wonderful way to review
much of the contents and context of a course, especially a successful one like those Win enjoys
teaching at the National Institute for Teaching Excellence, a master s degree program for
teachers conducted each summer by Cambridge College. Dr. Wenger first invented this
procedure Friday, July 27, 2001, and used it to good effect the same day. You might as well have
its use for your courses as well, if you so please. Enjoy.
For courses without final exams, to reduce anxiety,
and to supplement finals in courses which have exams and tests.
A major end-of-course booster and review.
Tell your students:
1. Each of you make a list of five of the things you ve learned from this course. Especially things
you d like to highlight. Number these five.
Pause for two to three minutes, enabling your students to write their items.
Now turn them into questions.
Appropriate two to three minute pause to enable your students to turn their items
into written questions, numbered one to five.
2. Please pair up as partners.
3. Decide very quickly which of you goes first as Hotseat and which of you goes first as Listener.
OK, Hotseat, have your Listener partner call out a number between one and five.
4. Hotseat: whichever of your own questions matches that number from among your five, tell, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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