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researchers are convinced that the ancient people who set up the alignments were in some way aware of these variations, and used them to position or select the sites and materials used in them. Just as people were sensitive to such unconsciously detected forces in the ancient world, they would certainly be sensitive to the increased doses put out by the activities of civilisation. This may be the underlying cause of many recurrent illnesses, or mental or physical conditions which appear to defy the healing powers of modern medicine. The constant exposure to unnatural forces, low dose radiation both natural and caused by the nuclear industry, the chemical cocktails we consume along with our food and drink, the pollution in the very air we breathe, all are going to do us no good, and many may do actual harm, possibly resulting in cancers, bone and blood conditions which are very difficult to treat. Again, recent studies have shown that some forms of radiation can affect the children of fathers working in hazardous places, leading, perhaps, to an increased risk of leukaemia, or other serious conditions. The greatest problem is that we simply do not know what we may be exposed to throughout our lives! Although the kind of medicine and healing practised by the old village witches probably did not cover the problems of today's world, nearly all the known treatments were holistic. Herbal medicine works on the entire person, not just the immediate area to which it is applied. Some forms of treatment act not only on the physical body but on the more subtle etheric level. (The etheric field around people is visible to most trained witches who look, in low light, at bare flesh against a dark background. A narrow band of energy can be clearly seen. You can experiment by looking at your reflection in a . mirror, concentrating around the edges of your skin against a lighter, or perhaps darker, plain background.) Beyond the narrow etheric, some people can train themselves to see the wide-spreading, rainbow-coloured filaments of the aura proper. This too can be an excellent indication of health and energy levels, being both brighter and larger in a well and balanced person than in a weary or sick one. If you start to see auras clearly, when in a relaxed and meditative state, do remember that you are also looking through your own aura, and the colour you may see around someone else will be a combination of your colours and theirs. Look at the shape of the aura (which can be detected by dowsing even by those who cannot see it), how far it reaches upwards, how stripy or blotched with darker patches or specific colours, or spirals of lightness. Some books try to attribute particular meanings to each of these features, but most people have very individual patterns and colours, so hard and fast rules should not necessarily be applied. Once you learn to detect this energy field around living people, animals, trees or even special stones, you will intuitively be guided to understand the significance of what you can see or sense. You should try to learn control of your psychic senses at the same time as you are experimenting with seeing auras or sensing power about sacred sites, for it is possible to be too sensitive. If you are not able to 'deliberately switch off your sensitivity you may begin to find that your nerves become jangled and you start to feel oppressed in the presence of strangers. This is just a matter of asking that your inner senses be under your own control. Traditionally, witches and magicians use a simple ritual, which is nearly always of a mental nature, to surround themselves with a fragile shell of temporary protection. In some older books novices are instructed to perform heavy banishing rituals about themselves, but these wipe away all human contacts and, rather than making the individual feel safer, make him feel extremely sensitive and vulnerable. You only need to ask the Protective Goddess or the Guardian God to watch over you, or awaken your Higher Self to prevent your newly expanded senses from being overwhelmed, whilst gradually allowing you to adjust to greater skills and feelings as you become more experienced. In the old days the villagers relied completely on the skills of the Wise Woman or Cunning Man to see A Collection of Sacred Magick | The Esoteric Library | www.sacred-magick.com them into the world, to help with illness or accidents, to heal their cattle or sheep, to improve the fertility of their land, to mend broken hearts, wreak revenge on enemies, to see into the future, and finally to see that their dead were decently laid out for burial. Many of these aspects of the traditional crafts are now dealt with by a variety of trained people, but certainly helping with minor complaints, sorting out affairs of the heart, looking into the future or the past to help enquirers learn from their experiences, still fall well within the competence of many modem witches and magicians. Also, if you are willing and able to undergo proper training in herbalism, reflexology, hypnotherapy, aromatherapy, massage or homoeopathy, you will be using more recent methods, yet still treading in the healing footsteps of your forebears. Do be discreet about your knowledge of healing, or of divination come to that, for it is very easy for fools to rush in where angels might fear to tread. If you let on at work that you know something about healing you may well be inundated with requests which could be beyond your competence, if you are still learning the arts. Some people might expect miraculous effects, or prefer to take an amateur's advice or treatment, rather than seeking orthodox diagnosis or treatment. It is always best, except in very minor ills like colds or influenza, bruises and tiredness, to suggest that the sufferer gets expert advice before being exposed to whichever alternative therapy you happen to be learning. Certainly you can experiment on yourself but as you get your life under control, begin to gain insights and inspiration as to your path in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] |