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Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Galden glare at me.
 Be careful, I whispered in his ear.  Please.
Master nodded. I knew he d want to talk to me later, alone, to find out
why I felt like this.
Turns out I didn t need to object to Galden. Before dinner that night,
Master joined us by the pool, where we were eating our dinner. Mark and
Nate had missed out meeting our guest, but I told them flat-out why I didn t
like him.
212 Tymber Dalton
Master leaned in and kissed me.  My sire told me you were gifted at
picking out pets.
Okay, weird tangent, but whatever.  Yeah?
 Perhaps I should let you pick my partner, too.
 Why? My heart raced. I prayed Master didn t have more than a
passing interest in the guy.
Laughing, he stroked my cheek.  I sent him away. When he asked how
often he d be allowed to breed my pets, it put me on my guard. When I told
him you all sleep with me, he felt that was improper and said he didn t allow
pets to sleep in bed with him.
Mark sat beside me, his arm draped around me.  Improper?
 Yes. Master kissed him, too.  If someone thinks my pets are
improper, they have no business being my partner. I swore to my sire I
wouldn t take a partner unless he could love you as much as I do. And that s
a promise I will keep.
It was another year before Master brought someone else home to meet
us. Coop was happily immobile early in his fourth week while the rest of us
weren t carrying.
This time it was Mark who sounded the alarm when the asshole
muttered how human animals weren t good for anything other than fucking.
Master hadn t yet told him Mark could speak the language.
When Mark asked the guy, in Algonquan, why he felt that way, his face
turned red.
Master took great pleasure throwing the guy out on his ass.
Love Master, love his pets.
A few months later a co-worker came home with him and spent a few
days as our houseguest. Not romantically, just to work.
We loved him. Corin, and that was as close as we could come to saying
his name, was soft-spoken, kind, and had been carried by his sire s human
Master had never seen him in a romantic way before, but we didn t miss
the looks Corin snuck at our Master as they sat at the dining room table and
worked on their project together.
We appreciated that while his Terran Standard sucked, he made the
attempt to speak to us using it.
Leave it to Coop to force the situation to a head. I blamed it on the fact
Acquainted with the Night 213
that he was three days post-drop and his testicles overrode his brain. Master
hadn t had time to breed him with our guest there. It was the second day of
Corin s visit, and Qhan had the day off. After Corin and Master took a lunch
break and sat at the table talking, Coop climbed into the guy s lap and threw
his arms around his neck.
 Master, when are you going to let me play with your guest?
I didn t know Algonquans could blush, but both men did.
Mark, Nate, and I rushed in to peel Coop off the guy. Mark quickly
offered mortified apologies to our guest in Algonquan as we tried to get
Coop to let go short of bodily dragging him from the guy s lap.
 No, wait. We all froze at the sound of Master s voice and turned to
him. He stared at us, including Coop, who had a death grip on the guy s
Poor Corin didn t know how to react. He looked scared to death,
holding his arms away from Coop as if afraid to touch him and piss off
 Kal? Your thoughts.
I hated being put on the spot.  We like him, I mumbled, my own face
red.  He s nice.
Mark replied in Algonquan.
Master smiled.  Dal?
Nate grinned.  How does he feel about pets in the bed?
Master laughed and asked Corin in Algonquan.
Despite his red face, Corin smiled and nodded.  I like.
After we convinced Coop to let Corin go, we forcibly dragged him back
to our room, hooked him to the frame with the milker and a gag, and Mark
stuck the largest vibrating plug we had into him and turned it on high.
Mark slapped him on the ass.  That ll hold you. Jesus, Coop, you can t
do that kind of stuff when Master s working. It makes him look bad.
Coop lay there and happily moaned.
We turned at the sound of a throat clearing, startled to find Master
standing in the doorway. From the smirk on his face, I knew he wasn t
He walked over to us and in a low voice said,  If I was to ask Corin to
do more than just stay over as a houseguest, would that be objectionable to
214 Tymber Dalton
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