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locate the seat of the disease. Many psychics see the auric conditions of
the patients, and can tell by the color of their emanations, or of the
psychic counterparts of their organs, where they suffer and what are the
causes of their illnesses.
280 A Guide to Mediumship
Tell your visitors what you feel to be the truth, but use your own
discretion. It may be necessary to withhold some things. Do not be merely
a prophet of evil. Exert your influence on the side of hope, health, and
goodness. Encourage the weak, the weary, and the sad. Admonish gently;
condemn no one. While you should deplore wrongdoing, try to prompt
and help the wrong-doers to better motives, purer purposes, and nobler
If you 'take on' the aches and pains of your subject be careful to 'will'
them away. Make demagnetizlng passes over yourself and throw off the
influence. Wash your hands and dry them thoroughly, and then practise
deep breathing for a minute or two to regain a positive condition.
Be careful to avoid exhausting your powers. If you feel weary, or
overstrained and excited stop! Get out into the open air, or change the
conditions by enjoying social conversation, genial companionship, music
and song. Take a hot bath and a smart rub down, hold the handles of a
good battery, or turn your attention to something else. Get a good sleep if
you possibly can.
Remember receptivity may be carried too far, and the practice of intro-
vision may render you too negative and too open to intrusive, dominating
psychic influences from people on this side or the other; and you must
carefully guard yourself against any 'suggestions' that would lower your
tone, weaken your will, or cause you to lose self-control.
The instructions that we have already given for the cultivation of
psychometrical power, or susceptibility to the auric emanations of people,
places, or things, will in the main apply to and cover the ground of the
preparations necessary for the development of lucidity, or clairvoyant
perception; for many psychometrists find that they literally see with the
mind's eye, by means of the so-called 'astral' or etheric light, the scenes and
persons that come before them, almost like cinematographic 'living
pictures.' Indeed, they frequently hear as well as feel, trace, and
A Guide to Mediumship 281
see, and the suggestions we have made will apply to all phases of
psychical perception with his proviso, that you must try to see if you
desire to be clairvoyant, and to hear if you wish to be clairaudient. In
other words, you must pay attention you must listen, took, and learn,
and should either speak of or record your experiences.
It has been frequently observed that clairvoyants have a 'far away look'
in their eyes, and that when in the lucid state they appear as if they were
'lost in thought.' It is this absence of self-consciousness which is so
necessary, and yet so difficult to obtain; for anything which tends to mar
the complete subjugation of the outer self, and bring the psychic back to
the normal state, interferes with the conditions required for clairvoyance.
Some sensitives breathe very rapidly and become very much agitated,
they are restless, 'all nerves,' and get 'worked up' and excited before they
have attained the condition where the inner self dominates the physical
body and the ordinary consciousness. Others are quiet and placid, and
pass easily into the receptive state, and require the utmost harmony and
peace to secure the best results. You may feel as if you had a band drawn
round your head or across your forehead, just over the eyes; or it may feel
as if it is on fire. In any such case you should make a few passes over your
brows, just, or barely touching the skin with the tips of your fingers;
beginning with both bands in the centre and passing outwards over the
temples and ears. This will prove soothing and helpful.
After you have developed your powers somewhat you will require to
have an audience to whom you can describe your visions or for whom
you can exercise your gift. When the condition of lucidity has been
attained you may be able to see pictured representations of the past life of
persons with whom you have established rapport, or of their future
experiences; or you may see into the human body and be able to describe
the appearance of the organs of your visitors and give a diagnosis to those
persons who are diseased. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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