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he ever knew you."
Rosalys' frozen terror did not abate.
"And Ramachandra." Ditmars photographed another page without looking at it,
and turned on to the next. "I
wonder what he's really like. What did you and he-hello, what's this?
Something, at last?"
Her seemed she scarce had been a day
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
One of God's choristers;
The wonder was not yet quite gone
From that still look of hers;
Albeit, to them she left, her day
Had counted as ten years.
"A quantum jump above the rest of his glop, certainly. I
wonder if he's lifted this piece from someone? One of the ancient masters on
Earth, no doubt. So it's a translation of course. But still there's power
here. Not awesome, I'd say, but respectable.
"And I wonder what milady would have thought, of having her dead finger-joints
set to press such a stolen offering so tenderly to her cheek? If were to
steal for her, I
now, what treasures I would& "
He heard himself babbling and shut up and turned a page, to more of the same
poem. It went on for more pages, in Gabriel's large, self-consciously elegant
" 'God,' he uses, and not for any mere rhyme-need, either. At least that's how
it came out in translation. Now is God 'in' again this decade, among the
thinkers of the
Galaxy? I wonder."
It was the rampart of God's house
That she was standing on;
By God built over the sheer depth
The which is space begun;
So high, that looking downward thence
She scarce could see the Sun.
Ditmars already had this pair of pages photographed.
But now he frankly paused to read.
It lies in Heaven, across the flood
Of ether, as a bridge.
Beneath, the tides of day and night
With flame and darkness ridge
The void&
He looked up from the book, struck by something in the air, an event less than
a sound but greater than the normal random murmuring of atmospheric molecules
against eardrums. The something might have been an odd beat from the
ubiquitous pulsar, though Ditmars didn't think so.
It might have been, and probably was, the land slipping around the tomb or
mounting in its slow, terrible wave against its sides. But Ditmars had
imagined for just a moment that the almost-sound proceeded from where
Rosalys lay, and in that moment he held his breath while his undermind waited
willingly to have the universe of sanity and law melt like an Azlarocean
landform when the world below it stirred.
The moment past, he almost smiled at himself, remembering hope and terror
commingled. But yet he did not smile. The basic awe of death was one thing
from its childhood that the grown race had not yet managed to lose.
Looking at Rosalys' glowing clay again, Ditmars could detect no reason for the
sound, if there had really been a sound. Certainly the corpse might easily
have shifted a little, it and its bed might very well be settling, what with
his poking about and the constant stresses and movements in the land beneath.
Where was he, in the book? Oh yes.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Around her, lovers, newly met
'Mid deathless love's acclaims
Spoke evermore among themselves
Their heart-remembered names;
And the souls mounting up to God
Went by her like thin flames.
And still she bowed herself and stooped
Out of the circling charm;
Until her bosom must have made
The bar she leaned on warm, And the lilies lay as if asleep
Along her bended arm&
Now sound came again, but this time it was crude and unmistakably from
outside, a noise that to Ditmars'
imagination suggested landforms breaking up. It sounded loud, though muted by
distance, and quite serious. But
Ditmars' heart and hands, as usual, accepted sudden peril calmly.
If it be now, then it is not to come
. His hands worked faster with the camera, but with a care no less methodical.
That he could so effectively divorce himself from danger was one important
reason for his professional success.
Coolness was all very well, but was it quite sane of him to be stopping, even
now, to read another verse?
"Yes, he lifted this poem from someone, there's no doubt about it. There's
more here than he could ever-"
Ditmars was staggered, almost knocked from his feet
despite fine reflexes. The black table tottered, and off slid the glowing book
to thud amid the lambent coral roots that bound and gnarled the cracking
floor. The camera, more scientifically stabilized, stayed on the table as all
the furniture rocked back into place. The layers of Azlaroc were shifting,
grumbling basso from one to another among themselves. The world around the Old
Cemetery vibrated, quieted, shook again.
Was still.
He had just got the book back on the table, opened to the proper place-its
pages were glowing brighter than ever-
when the communicator built into his shoulder-pad bleeped at him and produced
some words from Bellow.
"Ditmars, don't you have it yet?" The agent's voice was cracking like the
landscape. "Time's almost up. There's been a warning broadcast, about the veil
falling very early.
Message coming through from the explorers themselves. If you've got it, get
out of there at once. We're on our way to pick you up."
"I'm getting it. Don't bother me now." There wasn't much more in the book to
get. Maybe it was just pride that kept him here at work. Why was he showing
off, to please himself? Or-or as if he were some adolescent trying to impress
a girl.
His fingers flew, readjusting the position of the shaken camera.
From the fixed place of Heaven she saw
Time like a pulse shake fierce
Through all the worlds. Her gaze still strove
Within the gulf to pierce
Its path&
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"Help& me." The words were very clear, though they came in a voice that
cracked, and was so low as to be almost a whisper. Ditmars turned to see her
trying to sit up. Her dried lips had split in half a dozen places from being
forced to move, and bore an ooze of living, scarlet blood that glowed like
every other surface of her body.
Terror's ingrained lines had vanished from her young face, to be replaced by
soft pain and bewilderment.
With her movement, trying to sit up, fine coral members were breaking
everywhere around her, like tiny, glowing chimes. The red drapery had fallen
free of one pale breast.
Equipment crashed from Ditmars' hands to bounce away unnoticed across the
slowly buckling floor. The ebony table slammed over on its side unheeded. He
took one step toward the woman, whose eyes were open, looking at him.
"Help-me," she begged again.
He took another step, then turned his head and roared down at his shoulder-pad
communicator, "Bellow! What game is this?"
"Game? Game? What do you mean?" The agent's voice came back, wrapped in the
tinny armor of its own concerns. "Have you got the material yet or not?"
"Damn both of you and the damned book! She lives!
She lives!" In two more strides he reached the side of
Rosalys and made his arm an arc supporting her cool shoulders. The coolness he
had accepted earlier as the chill of death, but this was living flesh if he [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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