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that, comparatively speaking, are "instinctive" in the animal. This gives you both a
conscious and unconscious feedback system against which to test your experience
and alter its nature.
Therapeutic systems are an important part of this interrelationship, and they operate
constantly. In one way a state of grace or illumination happens where there is the
greatest poised balance of the conscious mind with other levels of the psyche and
body-a biological and spiritual recognition of the individual's wholeness within himself
and his relationship with the universe at large.
Such states lead to a condition of mental, psychic and physical health and efficiency.
The aware mind's great leeway through the intellect, and its connection with the
senses, makes it possible for any singly insignificant event to trigger such
experience. Intense focus is a characteristic of the conscious mind, and you can call
it narrow because it includes only the physical dimension; but within the scope of that
corporeal field it has great freedom to interpret the given dimension in any way it
The conscious mind can, for instance, see a rose as a symbol of life or death, or joy
or sadness, and under certain conditions its interpretation of a simple flower can
trigger deep experiences that call up power and strength from the inner resources of
being. Since the attributes of egotistical consciousness have been so misinterpreted,
you usually consider it only in its analytical breaking-down functions. These are very
important as it separates larger fields of perception into smaller ones that can be
physically understood. But the conscious mind is also a great synthesizer. It brings
together diverse elements from your experience and unites them in new patterns.
These organizations then serve as awakeners or stimulation to inner portions of the
self, always providing it with fresh experience. The inner self responds through the
richness of its own psychic fabric, sending up, so to speak, ever-new particularized
abilities to meet the exterior circumstances.
... Your feelings follow the flow of your beliefs (s. a. 614th session) and if this does
not seem true to you it is because you are not aware of the contents of your
conscious mind. ... You can close the eyes of your conscious mind also, and pretend
not to see what is there. It is because you do not trust your own basic therapeutic
nature, or really understand the conscious or unconscious mind, that you run to so
many therapies that originate from without the self.
... the great therapy of music; this activates the inner living cells of your body,
stimulates the energy of the inner self and helps to unite the conscious mind with the
other portions of your being.
Music is an exterior representation, and an excellent one, of the life-giving inner
sounds that act therapeutically within your body all the time (see chapter five). The
music is a conscious reminder of those deeper inner rhythms, both of sound and of
motion. Listening to music that you like will often bring images into your mind that
show you your conscious beliefs in different form.
The natural healing of sound can happen also when you do such a simple thing as
listen to the rain. You do not need drugs, hypnotism or even meditation. You only
need to allow and direct the freedom of your conscious mind. Left alone, it will flow
through thoughts and images that provide their own therapy.
You often avoid this natural treatment, however, and run from frightening conscious
thoughts that would in their turn lead you to the source of "negative" beliefs, where
they could be faced; you could then travel through them, so to speak, into feelings of
joy and victory. Instead, many of you accept the way of drugs, where such feelings
and thoughts are thrust upon you, or forced out of you while you are denied the
stabilizing comforts of the conscious mind.
Dreams are one of your greatest natural therapies, and one of your most effective
assets as connectors between the interior and exterior universes.
The great interconnections between waking and dreaming experience... You do not
realize the many physical problems that are solved for you, and by you, in your
This happens very frequently when you consciously set the problem before yourself,
state it clearly, and then drift into sleep. The same thing happens, however, even
without such a conscious set. Dreams give you all kinds of information concerning
the state of your body, the world at large, and the probable exterior conditions that
your present beliefs will bring about.
... natural doorways to self-illumination and states of grace... teaching it (ego) to use
those great abilities of assimilation that is does possess.
Your nature, beside possessing natural, general healing abilities, has its own unique
and particular private triggers arising from your experience. They can be learned,
recognized and utilized by you.
In this area certain events really matter. Singular circumstances, meaningless to
others, can be used to open your own storehouse of energy and inner strength.
These will include both waking and dreaming events. If you remember having certain
dream experiences and waking refreshed, then before sleep consciously think about
those dreams and tell yourself they will return.
If any activity, odd or silly as it might seem, brings you a sense of satisfaction, pursue
it. Any of these natural healing methods can even lead beyond feelings of well-being [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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