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"The container's mass is 12.782 kilograms," barked PHANTOM in
Jag swore. "The fardint thing is empty."
"Correct," said PHANTOM.
Jag tapped a key, and a hologram of Rhombus appeared.
"Teklarg," said Jag, calling the Ib by his name in Waldahu-dar, "that
probe you sent out was defective. All of the sample material from its
number-two container leaked out on the way back."
"Sincere apologies, good Jag," said Rhombus. "I submit to punishment
for wasting your time, and will dispatch a replacement at once."
"Do so," said Jag, and he stabbed the button that cut off
communications. He turned his attention to the number-one sample
container . . . and was shocked to discover that it, too, had leaked
out its contents on the way back. "Shoddy human engineering," he
grumbled to himself.
But he was grumbling even more once the second probe's sample containers
had been conveyed to his lab. The readings were the same--including the
anomalously low air-pressure readings after it had dived into the large
Once again, Jag summoned up a hologram of Rhombus.
"I say with all peaceful good wishes, dear Jag, that there does not
appear to be anything wrong with either probe. The container seals are
perfect. Nothing should have been able to leak out."
"Regardless, whatever samples we are collecting are getting out," said
Jag. "Which means . . . well, which means that whatever the samples
are made of must be unusual stuff indeed."
Lights moved up Rhombus's web. "A fair assumption."
Jag slid his dental plates together. "There must be a way to bring some
of that material aboard for study."
"Doubtless you have already thought of this," said Rhombus, "and I waste
both our time by mentioning the idea, but we could use a force box. You
know, like the kind they use in labs for handling antimatter."
Jag lifted his upper shoulders. "Acceptable. But don't use an EM
forcefield; instead, use artificial-gravity fields to hold the contents
away from the box's walls, regardless of what acceleration we use."
"Will do, with obeisance," said Rhombus.
The force box was manipulated by tractor beams. It consisted of eight
antigrav generators arranged as the corners of a perfect cube, with
wide, paddlelike handles sticking off each face's midpoint to give the
tractors something to hold on to. The box was pushed into one of the
large gray spheres, and opened there. A second box was manipulated into
the swarm of gravel between two of the spheres and activated there. The
two boxes were then quickly hauled back in to Starplex.
Finally, the sample containers were maneuvered into separate isolation
chambers in Jag's lab. The antigrav trick had been a success: one box
did indeed contain samples of the gas that constituted the sphere, and
the other held several pieces of translucent gravel plus one partially
transparent rock the size of a hen's egg. Now, at last, Jag would find
out what they were dealing with.
Chapter VI
Keith ran a hand over his pate, and leaned back in his chair, looking
out at the starscape hologram enveloping the bridge. There wasn't much
else to do, until Jag reported back. Rissa was still off working with
Boxcar, and alpha shift was coming to an end. Keith exhaled--probably
too noisily. Rhombus had rolled up to the director's workstation to
discuss something or other. Lights flashed across the Ib's mantle.
"Irritated?" said his translated voice.
Keith nodded.
"Jag?" asked the Ib.
Keith nodded again.
"In politeness, I observe that he's not that bad," said Rhombus. "As
Waldahudin go, he's positively genteel."
Keith gestured toward the part of the starfield that hid the door Jag
had gone through. "He's so . . . competitive.
"They're all like that," said Rhombus. "All the males, anyway. Have
you spent much time on Rehbollo?"
"No. Although I was in on the first contact between humans and
Waldahudin, I always thought that it was best for me to stay away from
Rehbollo. I--I've still got a lot of anger over the death of Saul
Ben-Abraham, I guess."
Rhombus was quiet for a few moments, perhaps digesting this. Then his
web rippled with light again. "Our shift is over, friend Keith. Will
you grant me nine minutes of your time?"
Keith shrugged and got to his feet. He addressed the room. "Good work,
everyone. Thank you."
Lianne turned around, her platinum hair bouncing as she did so, and
smiled at Keith. Rhombus and Keith headed out into the chilly corridor,
the Ib rolling beside the human.
A couple of slim robots were moving down the corridor as well. One was
carrying a lunch tray for someone; another was running a vacuum cleaner
along the floor. Keith still privately thought of such robots as
PHARTs--PHANTOM ambulatory remote toilers--but the Waldahudin had
started throwing things when it was suggested that Starplex terminology
contained acronyms nested within acronyms.
Through a window in the corridor wall, Keith could see
one of the vertical dolphin-access tubes, consisting of meter-thick
disks of water separated by ten centimeters of air held in place by
force fields. The air gaps prevented the water pressure from increasing
over the tube's height. As he watched,-a bottle-nosed dolphin passed
by, swimming up.
Keith looked at Rhombus. Lights wexe flashing in unison on his web.
"What's so funny?" Keith asked.
"Nothing," said the Ib.
"No, come on. What is it?"
"I was just thinking of a joke Thor told today. How many Waldahudin
does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: five--and each one has to
get credit."
Keith frowned. "Lianne told you that same joke weeks ago."
"I know," said Rhombus. "I laughed then, too."
Keith shook his head. "I'll never understand how you Ibs can find the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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