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In complete agreement, the men put off their amorous escapade to check out the
murder scene. Opening the cabinets and doors revealed a set of clothes hanging up that
looked like they belonged to the dead man, some toiletries and nothing else.
 Nothing strange here except for the gun, Adrian said while searching under the bed.
 Why don t you check your computer and see if you can get any background on him.
Adrian turned to confront his lover.  Talan, we came for a romantic getaway. Why
would I bring a computer?
Talan laughed and kissed his mate on the forehead in an affectionate gesture.  Because
you can t help yourself. Now where did you hide it?
Adrian sighed.  I might have tucked a netbook in the clothes but that s all back at the
other cabin.
 You didn t leave anything in the Hummer?
Adrian shook his head.  You know how much I hate that planet-killing vehicle. Good
thing they aren t going to make them anymore. He gave Talan a smug smile.
 I d better hurry and get you one for Christmas then. Talan couldn t resist tweaking
his tree-hugging mate. It wasn t that the lions didn t care about the environment they just
didn t worry about it as much as Adrian. For the first time he wondered if it was a wolf thing
or just an Adrian quirk.
Adrian gasped.  That s just mean. I ll make you suffer if you get me one of those
pollution producers.
Talan laughed.  I hear they re making some really nice eco-friendly SUV s.
 Maybe. I d have to research their stats and cost.
 You do that. Talan hoped the new car in the garage at home would meet his mate s
expectations. He d called a couple of radical conservationists and they d recommended the
new electric model currently waiting for a certain wolf s attention.
Laughing, Talan wrapped an arm around his mate and squeezed him gently.  Rest a
bit, love. I ll make us something to eat& if there s any food in the fridge. He worried for the
first time they might not have enough food to make it through the winter storm. He d hate to
have to go out and take down a deer in the snow.
Talan pulled on his pants in deference to the chill in the cabin. He didn t want to freeze
off any of his manly parts before Adrian got to play with them. His usual laid-back mood
had vanished during their attempted murder and Adrian s injury. Now he was in protector
mode. Anyone who came at his mate would lose an arm, a leg, or something else essential.
Relief rushed through him at the amount of meat in the freezer and the assortment of
fresh food in the fridge. He wasn t much for vegetables but he knew his mate enjoyed them.
 Kade said he was going to do an extensive background check on Darren in case he was
into something we didn t know about. Out here in the middle of nowhere, he could ve been
doing anything. Adrian peered over Talan s shoulder.  Oooh, at least there s food.
 Yeah, we ll be set for a while. You hungry?
Adrian shook his head. Tendrils of his hair brushed across Talan s shoulder, bringing
back his desire on a wave of need.
 We can eat later. Normally he d lift Adrian up in his arms but he worried about his
lover s injury. Although it appeared healed on the outside, sometimes it took longer for
wounds to heal internally. Instead, he wrapped a careful arm around the wolf shifter.  Come
on, let s get back to bed. I ll let you have your way with me and then we can have a nap
before we solve the puzzle of the psychotic killer.
Adrian laughed as Talan had intended but the laughter faded once he d stripped Talan
free of his pants, pushed him onto the bed and swallowed his cock.
Talan bucked beneath his lover s ministration, gasping when Adrian pinned his hips
and prevented him from moving further. The silent message was obvious.
Don t move, I m in charge.
With a soft whimper, Talan spilled into his lover s soft mouth, his lion too submissive to
Adrian climbed back up Talan s body, success shining in his eyes. His mate loved to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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